Wednesday, 5 September 2012

AWS Week in Review - August 20th to August 26th , 2012


Let's take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week:
Monday, August 20
Tuesday, August 21
Wednesday, August 22
Thursday, August 23
Friday, August 24


AWS Week in Review - August 27th to September 2nd , 2012

Let's take a quick look at what happened in AWS-land last week:

Monday, August 27
Friday, August 31


AWS Report with Michael Kellen of Sage Bionetworks

Michael Kellen, Director of Technology of Sage Bionetworks, talks about how Sage Bionetworks, a non-profit organization that help medical research analyze data is using AWS to save costs, allowing them to focus on their core business. 

 Really interesting use of Amazon S3, Elastic Beanstalk, and the Simple Workflow Service. 

Monday, 3 September 2012

Amazon S3 - Cross Origin Resource Sharing Support


AWS has announced support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Amazon S3.
You can now easily build web applications that use JavaScript and HTML5 to interact with resources in Amazon S3, enabling you to implement HTML5 drag and drop uploads to Amazon S3, show upload progress, or update content. Until now, you needed to run a custom proxy server between your web application and Amazon S3 to support these capabilities. A custom proxy server was required because web browsers limit the way web pages loaded from one site (e.g., can interact with content from another location (e.g., a location in Amazon S3 like Amazon S3’s support for CORS replaces the need for this custom proxy server by instructing the web browser to selectively enable these cross-site interactions.
Configuring your bucket for CORS is easy. To get started, open the Amazon S3 Management Console, and follow these simple steps:

1) Right click on your Amazon S3 bucket and open the “Properties” pane.
2) Under the “Permissions” tab, click the “Add CORS configuration” button to add a new CORS configuration. You can then specify the websites (e.g., "”) that should have access to your bucket, and the specific HTTP request methods (e.g., “GET”) you wish to allow.
3) Click Save.
For more information on using CORS with Amazon S3, review the Amazon S3 Developer Guide.