Update CentOS
There are basically two ways of updating a CentOS machine.. first is by using the GUI and the second, via command line...
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to the end of the URL and Amazon S3 takes care of the rest.s3cmd
to upload the file to S3, but any other S3 software can get the job done, too.s3cmd
tool and set up a configuration file for it. This is a one time step:sudo apt-get install s3cmd s3cmd --configure
The configure phase will prompt for your AWS access key id and AWS secret access key. These are stored in $HOME/.s3cmd
which you should protect. You can press [Enter] for the encryption password and GPG program. I prefer “Yes” for using the HTTPS protocol, especially if I am using s3cmd from outside of EC2.bucket=YOURBUCKETNAME filename=FILETOUPLOAD basename=$(basename $filename) s3cmd mb s3://$bucket s3cmd put --acl-public $filename s3://$bucket/$basename
cat <<EOM web: http://$bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/$basename torrent: http://$bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/$basename?torrent EOM
yum install mysql-server mysql php-mysql
rpm -ivh <<rpm_filenames>>
rpm -ivh mysql-server-version.rpm mysqlclient9-version.rpm
chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on
service mysqld start
mysql -u root
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('<<new-password>>');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost.localdomain' = PASSWORD('<<new-password>>');
SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'' = PASSWORD('<<new-password>>');
mysqladmin -u root password '<<new-password>>'
mysql -u root -p
INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv, Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv, Create_view_priv, Show_view_priv, Create_routine_priv, Alter_routine_priv, Create_user_priv, Event_priv, Trigger_priv, ssl_type, ssl_cipher, x509_issuer, x509_subject, max_questions, max_updates, max_connections, max_user_connections) VALUES ('localhost', '<<USERNAME>>', password('<<PASSWORD>>'), 'Y','Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv, File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv, Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv, Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv, Create_view_priv, Show_view_priv, Create_routine_priv, Alter_routine_priv, Create_user_priv, Event_priv, Trigger_priv, ssl_type, ssl_cipher, x509_issuer, x509_subject, max_questions, max_updates, max_connections, max_user_connections) VALUES ('%', '<<USERNAME>>', password('<<PASSWORD>>'), 'Y','Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'N', 'N', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0);
DROP '<<username>>''@'localhost';
DROP '<<username>>''@'localhost.localdomain';
su –i
cd /opt
wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u31-b04/jdk-6u31-linux-x64-rpm.bin
wget http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/6u31-b04/jdk-6u31-linux-i586-rpm.bin
ls –la
to see the permissions for the file.chmod a+x <<name-of-rpm-file-downloaded-earlier>>
chmod +x jdk-6u25-linux-x64-rpm.bin\?e\=1306317438\&h\=294de0d36f54e28dd65fc8370e3c406d
java -version
or javac
to check if installation is proper.echo $JAVA_HOME
rm -rf sun*