Steps for installing JAVA (JDK 6) on linux using rpm files:
1. Log into the linux shell and become root user by running the command
su –i
2. Change directory.
cd /opt
3. Please search at for newer versions to download.
You can download to any directory you choose; it does not have to be the directory where you want to install the JDK. Before you download the file, notice its byte size provided on the download page on the web site. Once the download has completed, compare that file size to the size of the downloaded file to make sure they are equal.
To download use one of the below commands, depending on the server's architecture (32/64 bit) :
64 bit:wget
32 bit:wget
4. Make sure that execute permissions are set in the self-extracting binary.
ls –la
to see the permissions for the file.
5. Run below command to grant execute permission to the file:
chmod a+x <<name-of-rpm-file-downloaded-earlier>>
For e.g.:
chmod +x jdk-6u25-linux-x64-rpm.bin\?e\=1306317438\&h\=294de0d36f54e28dd65fc8370e3c406d
6. Change directory to the location where you would like the files to be installed. The next step installs the JDK into the current directory.
7. Execute the downloaded file, prepended by the path to it.
For example, if the file is in the current directory, prepend it with "./" :
For e.g.:
8. The binary code license is displayed, and you are prompted to agree to its terms.
9. Check if java is installed using command
java -version
The java version must be displayed correctly. You may also want to run commands like
to check if installation is proper.
10. Execute below command to test if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set.
It must display the location where java is installed.
11. Delete the bin and rpm files if you want to save disk space.
rm -rf sun*