Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the biggest public cloud around, yet what goes on behind the scenes remains a mystery.
Read on for a good Infographic by newvem blog !
The infographic is based on analysis made by our Reserved Instance Decision Making Tool. This advanced analytics tool can help enterprise CIOs to capture the added value and benefit by:
Read on for a good Infographic by newvem blog !
"For heavy users, such as enterprise level CIOs, AWS’s “Reserved Instances” are a cost effective model to scale their cloud activity and benefit from the full service offering that Amazon provides.
The infographic is based on analysis made by our Reserved Instance Decision Making Tool. This advanced analytics tool can help enterprise CIOs to capture the added value and benefit by:
- Ensuring that reserved instances meet cost and performance expectations.
- Identifying consistent onOn-demand Demand usage that can be shifted to reserved Reserved instances.
- Tracking Reserved Instance expiration dates and recommend actions for renewal and scale up and down.