AWS has announced support for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Amazon S3.
Configuring your bucket for CORS is easy. To get started, open the Amazon S3 Management Console, and follow these simple steps:
1) Right click on your Amazon S3 bucket and open the “Properties” pane.
2) Under the “Permissions” tab, click the “Add CORS configuration” button to add a new CORS configuration. You can then specify the websites (e.g., "”) that should have access to your bucket, and the specific HTTP request methods (e.g., “GET”) you wish to allow.
3) Click Save.
1) Right click on your Amazon S3 bucket and open the “Properties” pane.
2) Under the “Permissions” tab, click the “Add CORS configuration” button to add a new CORS configuration. You can then specify the websites (e.g., "”) that should have access to your bucket, and the specific HTTP request methods (e.g., “GET”) you wish to allow.
3) Click Save.